The whale came round the corner like a bendy bus, accelerating past the schoolhouse and on along Granville Street towards the Summers. I stood on the pavement outside number three, where the whale slowed to negotiate the junction with Temple Road. For a moment I thought I saw a teardrop fall from its eye. Then the great beast was gone in a twist and a flurry, leaving the air churning in its wake.
Remembering the whale after all these years, I sometimes feel I'm almost within reach of a fierce and vast new knowledge, while a strange pressure builds inside me until I can scarcely breathe and I want to cry out in fear until at last my heart bursts open and suddenly there I am, accelerating past the schoolhouse and on towards the Summers.
I once loved a woman
and then she was gone
So who am I now
while her absence lives on
She was the ocean
and she was the sky
but I couldn't swim
and I couldn't fly
I was the worker
and she was the queen
left me a hole
where a heart should have been
Write this poem